Kicking Cancer to the Curb

Today, almost 1,700 people in the US will die of cancer, which will bring the annual death toll to around 600,000 Americans this year alone. Cancer is no stranger to us — we have all, in some way, either felt or witnessed the devastating effects cancer has on a person and their family. And with no cure, yet, the battle against cancer continues. 

Here at Larry Mitchell Agency, insurance isn’t the only thing we are passionate about. Giving back to our community is very important to us, and that is why we are very excited to announce our newest campaign to support the American Cancer Society.

This non-profit organization is on a mission to free the world from cancer. They fund valuable research, fight for life-saving policy changes, fund training for healthcare professionals, support patients, and educate and spread the word about prevention. 

The work they do in the battle against cancer is invaluable but it does come to a price. Their efforts are made possible when communities come together to support them. That is exactly what we are going to do, and we hope you will join us!

How? Well when you recommend someone to us for a no-obligation quote, we offer to donate $10 to the American Cancer Society on your behalf. Yes, and that is for each friend. Together we can help find a cure for the millions affected worldwide.



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