Making Children Happy With One Single Name

Our team here at Larry Mitchell Agency LLC has a true passion for helping the community. We believe in giving back, especially with the Holiday festivities just around the corner. This year for the Holidays, we have decided to focus on our beloved children. We want to see as many kids as possible smile, and what better way to put a smile on a kid’s face than with a gift?

For this reason, we have decided to support not one but TWO organizations for the following couple of months: Operation Christmas Child and Toys For Tots. Operation Christmas Child is a toy drive program that results in evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication. Hundreds of samaritans pack shoeboxes with gifts for children, which are then distributed to children in outreach events that have the goal of sharing the message of the Gospel. 

Toys for Tots has a mission “to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November, and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community.” During 2019, they distributed 68,724 toys and supported 42,730 children! And we want to make this year even better!

To support these organizations, we’re advocating and directing monetary rewards to their causes. We hope to put smiles on hundreds of faces this year, and you can be part of it! When you recommend someone to us for a quote, we offer to donate $10 on your behalf. How many names can you give us? How many kids can you make happy!

To Make a Donation To Operation Christmas Child Directly CLICK HERE
To Make a Donation To Toys For Tots Directly CLICK HERE
